End of Year Report Committee: ______________ Complete this report in the month of October The information that you document will be helpful to future chairpersons to know what has been done, what was successful, etc. It will also help with possible decisions about revising the role and budgetary adjustments. Use additional paper if needed. File this report on top of the previous year end report. Describe the year and anything unique that you did in this role: __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Did you perform this role by yourself or did you enlist support from others? ____ Others? ____Self? How many other people helped you? _________________ Explain how you needed help: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Budget allotted: $________. Did you exceed your budget? _____________ Where there unusual expenditures? ______? Explain:____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Recommend increase/decrease in budget? _________? Recommended amount _________ What obstacles did you encounter? _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Helpful Hints for future chairpersons: ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations for change: ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Your name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________